Lots of housekeeping notes this month!!!! First, between holidays and Florida trips, we have a little bit of rescheduling to take care of. There will be no Jane Club in November. Instead we will meet twice in December. Dates for the next two Jane Club meetings are December 8 and December 22 - both Wednesdays - same time, same place!!! Our Challenge blocks for our next meeting are: D-4: Crystal Star, and LS 13: Watermelon. These will give us a chance to practice those points with Linda A's technique!
On another note, remember to make 5 Siggies for our next meeting - one for each of our group. We'll exchange them at the next meeting. A reminder, the Siggy block is D-13: Field of Dreams. Lets make them 5" unfinished as most of us are doing that size (sorry sorry sorry Sally!) Or, we could make 1 of them 9 inches for Sally!
Bring your machines on December 8 as I will be teaching the method of paper piecing that Carol Doak uses. Also, bring rotary cutter and matt - small is fine. Bring fabric you want to use --- I'll bring foundations for everyone. I'll choose a relatively easy one so I can show you her entire method. If you don't want to do paper piecing, bring something else to work on while we do that ---- no problem!
As usual, I forgot my camera last time, so no pictures. I will TRY to remember next month!!!! DUH!