Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Great Start!

Well we're off and running.  It was a great start to the club with Marilyn and Pat.  Deb, we missed you - but Pat will fill you in.  We're agreed on a starting format - each month we'll do a Triangle Challenge and a Block Challenge (chosen by the group).  This challenge can be incorporated into whatever project(s) you're working on or it can be just a challenge to determine the use of at a later date.  This month, Marilyn and Pat chose A-8 Florence Nightingale for the the block and TR-1 Spanish Moss for the Triangle.  Do them with any technique you choose and whatever size you choose.  Bring them along with anything else for show and tell next month.

We decided, too, that we would have a portion of each month devoted to a technique mini-workshop - again consensus of the group.  For June, since all three of you have the software, I'll do a mini class on the software, so bring your laptops and your manuals.  Sorry you didn't get a vote, Deb, but since you also have the software, we figured you wouldn't mind.

Sit'nStitch will be part of each month as well, so bring along whatever you're currently working on - hand or machine - I'll be taking pictures next month to post on the blog, so Pat and Marilyn, bring the blocks you had last night.  Also, ladies, be thinking about whether or not you want to be working on a common project - project ideas are on the Dear Jane Home page of the software to get you started thinking.  Also, be thinking about what technique mini-classes you want to have (or give!).

Don't forget to sign up as a follower on this blog.  You can post comments to any of my posts.  I'll check here daily as well in case you have any questions.  We'll see how that works out.

See you all next month!  Happy Quilting!


  1. You can count me in too, but as in the song "See You in September," I can't fit it in until then! I've been gathering and outfitting a travel kit though.

  2. Great Fran - look forward to you coming onboard in September. You'll have to bring all your travel kit accomplishments for your first show and tell!
